Newspapers / Magazine Articles

  • Penyelamatan danau Limboto jadi fokus RIHN Jepang dalam riset Geopark (Rescue of Limboto Lake has become a major focus of Japan′s RIHN in geopark research) Humas Pemrov Gorontalo, 2019. 7. 7.

    (URL) (In Indonesian)

  • Teliti potensi geopark curator museum jepang kunjungi museum Popa-Eyato, (Japanese museum curator visited Popa-Eyato museum to do research the geopark potential), mbsnews, 2020. 2. 6.

    (URL) (In Indonesian)

  • Miyakita, T. Open lecture, 2020. 10. 1. “Fight against COVID-19. Symbiosis with Virus. Part 1”, Nishinippon Shinbun, Morning edition (22) (in Japanese).

  • Miyakita, T. Open lecture, 2020. 10. 1. “Fight against COVID-19. Symbiosis with Virus. Part 1”, Nishinippon Shinbun, Morning edition (22) (in Japanese).

  • Gorontalo usulkan 26 warisan geologi ke badan geologi kementerian ESDM (Gorontalo proposes 26 geological heritages to the Geological Agency of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources), InfoPublik, 2021. 1. 27.

    (URL) (in Indonesian).

Since the project had finished in March 2024, information regarding the project, research, and activities such as conferences, seminars, workshops, etc., collaboration, etc. could be enquired via the following email addresses:
Win Thiri Kyaw (former Sub – Leader of the SRIREP Project) [email protected] (or) [email protected]
Myo Han Htun (former Research Associate of the SRIREP Project) [email protected] (or) [email protected]