At 4 pm on March 29, 2023 (JST), researchers from various institutions led by Dr. Ria Lambino (Specially Appointed Associate Professor (Head) and staff of the International Engagement Unit visited the SRIREP Project at the Research Institute of Humanity and Nature (RIHN).
First and foremost, Dr. Ria Lambino introduced the program of the ECRs to Dr. Andi Patiware Metaragakusuma, researcher of the SRIREP Project, and followed by a self-introduction from the ECRs members.
Second, Dr. Andi Patiware Metaragakusuma explained the SRIREP Project including transdisciplinary communities of practice (TDCOPs) such as Karawo, Natural Fiber Net, and others that are currently being developed cooperatively with key stakeholders, their progress, as well as several assessments including health and environmental assessments, activities: workshops and seminars for the past years.
Dr. Andi Patiware Metaragakusuma then answered several questions from the visitors. The meeting ended at 5 pm.