
  • Meutia, A.A. 2024, 1. “Wayo Smile Again” SRIREP RIHN, HOKUTO PRINT CO., LTD. ISBN: 978-4-910834-31-3 (Japanese and English version), ISBN: 978-4-910834-32-0 (Indonesian version)

  • ERINA. M. 2023, 11. Educational Comic, “Ni Ni & Maki Choices for the Future”, SRIREP RIHN, HOKUTO PRINT CO., LTD. ISBN:978-4-910834-22-1(Japanese version), ISBN:978-4-910834-24-25 (English version), ISBN:978-4-910834-23-8 (Indonesian version)

  • Manyoe, I.N., Kuang. X., and Yayu Indriati Arifin (Eds.) 2021, 10 Geopark, Novateur Publication, India.

  • Manyoe, I.N. (Ed.) 2021, 10 Sahabat Cilik Geopark (Geopark′s Little Friends), UNG Press, Indonesia.

  • Manyoe, I.N., Suhartini, S., Napu, S. and Choanji, T. 2021, 05 The Entrepreneurship Development in Geothermal Tourism Area: Before and During Pandemic Era (Chapter 8) in The Art of Entrepreneurs to Survive During Pandemic Covid-19, Novateur Publication, India.

  • Matsuda, H. (Ed.) 2021, 04 Ecological risk management for conservation biology and ecotoxicology, Springer.

  • Manyoe, I. N. (eds.). 2020,12. Potensi dan rancangan eco-geotourism Olele (Olele eco-geotourism potential and design), UNG Press, ISBN: 9786232840065 (in Indonesian).

  • Manyoe, I. N. (eds.). 2020,12. Sekolar Danau (Lake school), UNG press, ISBN:9786232840058 (in Indonesian).

Since the project had finished in March 2024, information regarding the project, research, and activities such as conferences, seminars, workshops, etc., collaboration, etc. could be enquired via the following email addresses:
Win Thiri Kyaw (former Sub – Leader of the SRIREP Project) [email protected] (or) [email protected]
Myo Han Htun (former Research Associate of the SRIREP Project) [email protected] (or) [email protected]