Field Research

  • 2019. 1. 19-20. Sakakibara, M. and Idham, A. K. Fields survey of ASGM in Bunikasih and urban small gold processing in Bandung city. Bandung, West Java, Indonesia.

  • 2019. 2. 22-3. 2, Sakakibara, M. The research meeting for ASGM, field survey on agricultural landscape and condition of land usage in Bunikasih, Gorontalo, Indonesia.

  • 2019. 3. 25-26, Sakakibara, M., Arum, Idham. A. K, Adzkia, N. and Wildan, N. H. Field survey, health check, discussion on Minamata disease, and tea leaves sampling for environmental assessment of mercury pollution by the ASGM activities in Bunikasih village, West Java, Indonesia.

  • 2019. 4. 14-25, Kasamatsu, H. Investigating the possibility of pearl farming in the bay of Bone County, located near the border of Bone Bolango Province, Survey of embroidery crafts and batiks, Gorontalo, Indonesia.

  • 2019. 5. 10-19, Kimijima, S., Kuang, X. and Htun, M. H., Survey of obtaining spatial information of ASGM region, Mandalay, Myanmar.

  • 2019. 6. 24-28, Sakakibara, M, Kimjima, S., Mirzam A., Idham A. K., Bintang, A., Wildan, N. H., Counseling with inhabitants using Minamata movie and discussion about mercury pollution by ASGM, and start the cultivation experiment of several vegetables in Bunikasih village, West Java, Indonesia.

  • 2019. 6. 22-7. 4, Sakakibara, M. and Matsumoto, Y. Research meeting and field survey for ASGM, Preliminary survey for TDCOP formation in each target area, The interview geopark for stakeholders in Gorontalo, Bandung, Gorontalo, Indonesia.

  • 2019. 8. 2-8, Arifin, Y. Field trip of geodiversity potential in Hungayono and Lombongo (Tulabolo area) and Limboto Lake area in Gorontalo Province, Indonesia.

  • 2019. 8. 8-14, Sakakibara, M., Yamaguchi, T. and Watanabe, Y. Discussion with Karawo workers on the development for the design of traditional embroidery Krawo, field survey and inspection regarding the price survey in traditional market of natural fiber resources, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia.

  • 2019. 8. 24-29, Matsumoto, Y., Field inspection for TDCOP formation in each target area, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia.

  • 2019. 8. 24-9. 10, Sakakibara, M., Field inspection for TDCOP formation in each target area, and interview about public health and geopark for stakeholders in Gorontalo Province, Indonesia.

  • 2019. 8. 24-9. 15, Pateda, S. M. and Basir, General health assessment and take hair samples in the ASGM area, Environmental geology and heavy metal pollution by artisanal and small-scale gold mining, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia.

  • 2019. 8. 24-9. 23, Badaru, W. W. A., Observing, describing and measuring geological outcrops (lithology, structure) and determining location points using the Geographic Positioning System (GPS), as well as rock sampling for petrographic and chemical analysis, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia.

  • 2019. 8. 28-9. 4, Tanaka, K. The research for Socio-economics in Gorontalo Province, Indonesia.

  • 2019. 8. 28-9. 13, Komatsu, S., The research for Socio-economics in Gorontalo Province, Indonesia.

  • 2019. 8. 28-9. 27, Kimijima, S., The research for Socio-economics and geographical survey in Gorontalo Province, Indonesia.

  • 2020. 9-12, Yuwono, S. B., Banuwa, I. S. and Suryono, N., Field survey, Soil and water of rivers were collected to evaluate mercury pollution of land and river water in study area in Bunut Seberang Village, Teluk Ratai District, and Pesawaran Regency, Lampung Province, Indonesia.

  • 2019. 9. 19-27, Miyazaki, H., Field Survey of agricultural Economics Group, Gorontalo Province and West Java Province, Indonesia.

  • 2019. 9. 21-10. 3, Sakakibara, M., The research for geopark in Gorontalo, Indonesia.

  • 2020. 9. 23-10. 4, Arifin, B., Ismono, R. H., Rahmalia, D., Putri, T. L., Aristiyani, R. and Saputra, I., Socioeconomic survey in mining sites of district of Pesawaran, Lampung Province, Indonesia.

  • 2019. 9. 25-26, Miyazaki, H, Idham, A. K, and Azkia, N. Field survey and deep interview conditions of ASGM in Bunikasih village, West Java, Indonesia

  • 2019. 10. 12-23, Shimagami, M. The meeting on Kikigaki program and network development in Indonesia, Makassar City, Indonesia.

  • 2019. 10. 15-23, Sakakibara, M. The interview to the members of TDCOP “Dihima Limboto-Ko” at Haya-Haya village in Gorontalo Province, Indonesia.

  • 2020. 10. 20, 11. 17, and 2021, 1. 13, Widiastuti, E. L. and Mumtazah, D. F., Collecting samples for analysis of heavy metal concentrtions of aquatic biota in Lampung Province, Indonesia.

  • 2020. 10. 24-25, Prasetia, H., Riniarti, M. and Rahmalia, D., Tree bark samples collection in an ASGM area of Bunut Seberang Village, Pesawaran District, Lampung Province, Indonesia.

  • 2020. 11. 5-29, Pateda, S. M., Gafur, N. A, Yusuf, Z. K., Dulahu, W. Y., Nakoe, M. R., Pongoliu, Y. I. D. and Muziatun, M., Survey activities such as collection of environmental samples, questionnaire and interview related on economic, social and health issues in 7 villages, and focus group discussions with East Suwawa government, ASGM mining workers, RIHN and the research project team to discuss the environmental pollution and social problems in East Suwawa, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia.

  • 2020. 11-12, Arifin, B., Ismono, R. H., Rahmalia, D., Putri, T. L., Aristiyani, R. and Saputra, I., Household survey in District of Pesawaran of Lampung Province with farm households and rural villagers, using questionnaires, capturing information on demography, agricultural production, other income generating activities, and other potential sources of household that could provide strategies for poverty reduction and environmental conservation.

  • 2020. 1. 7, Sakakibara, M., The interview with Mr. Agus Lahinta for discussion of practical research on Karawo for poverty reduction at shop of Rumah Karawo in Gorontalo City, Indonesia.

  • 2020. 1. 20-2. 12, Sugawara, H. and Kimijima, S., The research and interview for geopark and Limboto Lake in Gorontalo Province, Indonesia.

  • 2020. 2. 9-17, Kyaw, W. T. and Kuang, X., The base line research and interview of environmental impact assessment and health impact assessment on Hg pollution in Mandalay, Myanmar.

  • 2020. 2. 19-3. 7, Sakakibara, M., Survey of drainage channel cleaning by the city cleaning department in Yangon city, survey of waste disposal site in Yangon city, and survey of garbage problem area in Yangon city, Myanmar; survey of cultivation experiment with sugar palm fiber net and riverbank erosion in the upper Alo River in Gorontalo Regency in Gorontalo Province, Indonesia.

  • 2020. 8. 16, Arifin, Y. Field Trip for introducing about the Olele marine park to the Minister of National Development Planning/Bappenas, Suharso Monoarfa in Gorontalo Province, Indonesia.

  • 2020. 10. 14-22, Pateda, S. M., Gafur, N. A, Yusuf, Z. K., Dulahu, W. Y., Nakoe, M. R., Pongoliu, Y. I. D. and Muziatun, M., Preliminary survey for ASGM, meeting with the public health center, village and district head of East Suwawa to obtain spatial information of East Suwawa district of Bone Bolango Regency, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia.

  • 2020. 11. 5-29, Pateda, S. M., Gafur, N. A, Yusuf, Z. K., Dulahu, W. Y., Nakoe, M. R., Pongoliu, Y. I. D. and Muziatun M., Survey on economic, social and health issues in 7 villages in East Suwawa, and focus group discussions with East Suwawa government, mining workers, RIHN and the research project members in Gorontalo Province, Indonesia.

  • 2020. 11. 9-18, Arifin, Y., Manyoe, I. N., Tolodo, D. D., Napu, S. S. S. and Gaib, F. A., Meeting preparing for fieldtrip; Fieldtrip to Tihu Beach, Pinomontiga, Iloh’uwa, Oluhuta, Botutonuo, Barakati, Tahupo, Meranti geosite and geocafe in Gorontalo Province, Indonesia.

  • 2020. 11. 30-12. 11, Basri, research to identify what transformative boundary object (TBO) to connecting community with conflicting interest in ASGM community of Bombana and what what kind of transformation can running to transform knowledge and practice of miners in Gorontalo Province, Indonesia.

  • 2021. 1. 9-10, Idham, A. K., Mirzam, A., and Saung, P. Field survey, deep interview and tea leaves sampling in Bunikasih village, West Java, Indonesia.

  • 2021. 1. 18-2. 2, Network Activities Group; Aung, M. Z, Oo, N., Zaw, A., Min, M., Hlaing, H. S., Set, W. M., and Win, K. S. Environmental impact assessment survey on mercury pollution of ASGM areas in Mandalay Region, Myanmar. Collection of tamarind tree bark and house dust samples in Yamethin Township, Mandalay Region, Myanmar.

  • 2021. 3. 29, Pateda, S. M., Gafur, N. A, Yusuf, Z. K., Dulahu, W. Y., Nakoe, M. R., Pongoliu, Y. I. D., and Muziatun M., Launched “ Kampung Tangguh Kesehatan” as TDCOP in Suwawa East District with government, scientists, and local residents, in order to solve the environmental pollution and other social problems in East Suwawa, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia.

Since the project had finished in March 2024, information regarding the project, research, and activities such as conferences, seminars, workshops, etc., collaboration, etc. could be enquired via the following email addresses:
Win Thiri Kyaw (former Sub – Leader of the SRIREP Project) [email protected] (or) [email protected]
Myo Han Htun (former Research Associate of the SRIREP Project) [email protected] (or) [email protected]