Technology Development Group

The Making of a Prototype Device for Reducing Mercury Vapor Emission in Gold Amalgam Process

The Making of a Prototype Device for Reducing Mercury Vapor Emission in Gold Amalgam Process

We set up a team comprised of our SRIREP project members, researchers, and junior research students from the State University of Gorontalo (UNG). This group has been working for a  prototype device that can be used to securely burn mercury-gold amalgam and recover without releasing mercury vapor into the atmosphere.

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Since the project had finished in March 2024, information regarding the project, research, and activities such as conferences, seminars, workshops, etc., collaboration, etc. could be enquired via the following email addresses:Win Thiri Kyaw (former Sub – Leader of the SRIREP Project) [email protected] (or) [email protected] Han Htun (former Research Associate of the SRIREP Project) [email protected] (or) [email protected]