English Translation
The Sustainable Regional Innovation for Reducing Poverty in Gorontalo by SRIREP project, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN), Kyoto, Japan aims to create jobs in traditional industries of the Gorontalo region (Karawo embroidery, sorghum and goat and natural fiber products). The Karawo industry in Gorontalo is growing thanks to the implementation conducted by Ehime University in Japan in collaboration with Gorontalo State University.
In this implementation of Karawo-making training in Lonago Village, North Bulango Sub-district, Bone Bolango Regency, instructor Aminah Hasan teaches Karawo techniques and Lailany Yahya teaches the creative use of Karawo.
“These activities inspire enthusiasm to the community, training participants, trainers, government, business and industry, and provide the opportunity to be able to work together to improve human resources, promotion of Karawo, especially cultural contributions by increasing the income of karawo craftsmen. Furthermore, it is expected that Karawo craftsman community will be formed with the formation of a Karawo industrial center.” she said. This activity is fully supported by Erna Patuti, Mayor of North Bulango Sub-district, and Dr. Rennat, leader of joint research team of UNG and Ehime University in Japan.
Muhamad Yahya. (wan)
Ehime and UNG Collaboration Implementation Activities for Karawo Development in North Bulango, Bone Bolango.
Original Indonesian Version (in Newspaper)