Dra. Lailany Yahya, M.Si’s Live on ” Karawo Ikat – Maintaining the Karawo tie technique”

On February 15, 2022, Indonesian National Radio (RRI) Gorontalo invited Dra. Lailany Yahya, M.Si, head of the Karawo research group, to talk about Karawo Ikat.

Dra. Lailany Yahya, M.Si, along with Ms. Denilsa, program host conducted a program about the topic of ” Karawo Ikat – Maintaining the Karawo tie technique” and the live stream was aired on both FM and YouTube channels.

During the show, Dr. Lailany said that the increasingly echoing Karawo actions cannot be separated from the SRIREP project’s backing.

Academic and non-academic stakeholders have recently held numerous events and workshops on Karawo in Gorontalo province, and they have been actively working to promote traditional conservation and Karawo handicrafts, women’s leadership for alternative income and livelihood, health consciousness of mining communities, and the reduction of mercury pollution in ASGM sectors.